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POTW – Anya Forger

Hear ye, hear ye! Come witness the spectacular news. We have crowned a new Penguin of the Week. This Penguin has garnered quite the following for streaming live from wherever they may be on the island. Lately, their streams have been full of the Infinite Tower. However, their usual content revolves around the Cavemine and the Town.

On top of their dedication to streaming as often as possible, any free time they have is dedicated to their YouTube channel where they make Club Penguin Journey reaction videos, helpful guides, and update everyone on the latest happenings on our island! Please take some time to congratulate our 63rd Penguin of the Week, Anya Forger!

We must admit, our staff has become quite the fans of Anya! The time they have committed to creating entertaining and informative videos on Club Penguin Journey is something we just can’t ignore. Thank you for all you do, Anya Forger. They will receive the Green Viking Helmet, the Penguin of the Week background, and a whopping 10,000 coins! Congratulations!

Would you like to be our next Penguin of the Week? Currently, the Penguin of the Week is selected by our dedicated staff. The only requirements are to be a kind and active member of our community! It’s important to note that all selected accounts must have a clean account history for at least 90 days. If you meet these criteria and want to be recognized for your contributions, keep waddling and spreading positivity in our community!

– pres

The Club Penguin Journey Team