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POTW – trundling

Hello everybody and happy Monday! Monday means we get to celebrate another awesome Penguin of the Week!

This week’s Penguin of the Week is the incredibly talented and supportive trundling! In just 90 days, Trundling has already made a huge impact on our island, quickly becoming a friendly, familiar face to many. Whether it’s sharing their incredible artwork, hosting fantastic events, or spreading positivity, trundling’s contributions have been felt by all.

Not only has trundling earned over 160 stamps in this short time, but his creativity has also been recognized in the Club Penguin Times, where his comic was featured! This achievement is a testament to his talent and dedication to the community. His creativity and enthusiasm inspire us all, and their willingness to help others makes them a true friend to many.

As a well-deserved reward, trundling will receive the exclusive Penguin of the Week background, 10,000 coins, and the Green Viking Helmet.

Congratulations, trundling, on becoming our 94th penguin of the week. Thank you for all the ways you make our island more creative, fun, and welcoming. Keep up the amazing work!

Would you like to be our next Penguin of the Week? Currently, the Penguin of the Week is selected by our dedicated staff. The only requirements are to be a kind and active member of our community! It’s important to note that all selected accounts must have a clean account history for at least 90 days. If you meet these criteria and want to be recognized for your contributions, keep waddling and spreading positivity in our community!

Until next time…Waddle on!

– pres

The Club Penguin Journey Team